More Than a Voice for the Industry.
The ARHCA advocates on behalf of contractors, suppliers, consulting engineers, and other professionals who work with them.
Timely information is gathered and shared through a quarterly magazine, monthly newsletters, emails, and events.
Exclusive tools are available for member companies, including:
Foundations Employee Benefits program​
Heavily discounted Roadbuilders safety Training System for employees
Free access to the Silica Tool
Additional member resources and information
About Us
The ARHCA is the largest heavy construction association in Canada, boasting more than 700 member companies. These member companies build vital infrastructure including streets, curbs, gutters, sewers, water systems, and more. From the planning through to completion, our members work on residential, commercial, oilfield, oil sands and forestry projects.
Supporting Canadians and Economic Growth.
The ARHCA believes that a healthy transportation system is essential to Canada’s future, for the movement of goods and services to local and world markets, and safe and efficient travel. Long-term, stable investment in our transportation infrastructure is vital to our members and valuable to all Canadians.

The growth of heavy construction in Alberta and Western Canada increased demands on the province's contractors. There was a need for a single voice to communicate to the government the concerns of the construction industry.
1945 The Alberta Section of the Prairie Roadbuilders Association of the Canadian Construction Association was formed.
Mid 1950's Alberta contractors established their own provincial organization.​
1956 The Alberta Roadbuilders & Heavy Construction Association was created.
The majority of members in the early years were union contractors, so the focus was originally on labour negotiations and Alberta Highway Specifications.
Today the ARHCA serves mainly as a lobby organization for its membership to help maintain and further develop a fair, equitable, and prosperous heavy construction industry in Alberta.
The annual general meeting of the ARHCA is held in either November or December following the end of the fiscal year, although other general meetings may be called at the discretion of the Board of Directors or in response to requests from the members.
A nominating committee consisting of the Immediate Past Chairman of the ARHCA and two other past Chairmen, presents a slate of officers. Additional nominations may be accepted from the floor at the annual general meeting. Directors serve a two year term.
The Board of Directors of the ARHCA runs the business of the organization under the guidance of an Executive Committee consisting of the Chairman, first and second Vice-Chairmen, President and the Immediate Past Chairman.
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors of the ARHCA is comprised of elected members and the CEO. The number of committees active at any time is decided by the board. The presence of at least five board members is required to form a quorum and, since active participation on the part of board members is considered essential, a director may be dismissed if absent from several consecutive meetings.
Trade Agreements
ARHCA is the bargaining agent with the International Union of Operating Engineers for Group A contractors through a negotiating committee selected from among Group A members.
Any changes to bylaws are made at the annual general meetings although provision exists for the organization to act in accordance with revised bylaws until approved at the annual general meeting.
About Us
By being a member of ARHCA your company is an integrated CCA Member.
The Canadian Construction Association (CCA) is the only national association representing contractors (general, trade, civil) and manufacturers, service providers and suppliers in Canada. Backed by 20,000 member firms drawn from 63 local and provincial integrated partner associations, CCA gives voice to the public policy, legal and standards development goals of contractors, suppliers and allied business professionals working in, or with, Canada’s institutional, commercial and industrial (ICI) construction industry.